*If you have a respiratory illness please book a telehealth appointment with Jean for individual health advice. If you are experiencing shortness of breath, blue lips or skin, chest pain please visit your local emergency department.
Products listed in this dispensary are for general use and are not a substitute for naturopathic or medical care. If you are unwell please consult with a health practitioner. Please note that the diffuser has a nebulising function/attachment although we do not recommend using it in this way.
* Please allow up to 5-7 business days for shipping. Please note this is for Glen Innes NSW residents only. If you are outside of Glen Innes please email us and we can arrange a quote for shipping. Thank you.
Contains 100% pure essential oils: Eucalyptus Australiana, Red Myrtle, Tea Tree, Sea Pine, Peppermint, Spearmint and Lemon.